Auto-Fibonacci Tool

This lesson breaks down the AUTO-FIBONACCI tool created by the TradingView developers. I show how to adapt the Pine Script source code from the inbuilt tool to customize it for your own purposes.

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Source Code

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading /
// @version=5
indicator("Auto-Fib", overlay=true)

// Get user input
var devTooltip          = "Deviation is a multiplier that affects how much the price should deviate from the previous pivot in order for the bar to become a new pivot."
var depthTooltip        = "The minimum number of bars that will be taken into account when calculating the indicator."
threshold_multiplier    = input.float(title="Deviation", defval=3, minval=0, tooltip=devTooltip)
depth                   ="Depth", defval=10, minval=1, tooltip=depthTooltip)
reverse                 = input.bool(title="Reverse", defval=false, tooltip="Flips the fibonacci levels around.")
extendLeft              = input.bool(title="Extend Left    |    Extend Right", defval=false, inline="Extend Lines")
extendRight             = input.bool(title="", defval=false, inline="Extend Lines")
prices                  = input.bool(title="Show Prices", defval=false)
deleteLastLine          = input.bool(title="Delete Last Line", defval=true)
levels                  = input.bool(title="Show Levels", defval=true, inline="Levels")
levelsFormat            = input.string(title="", defval="Values", options=["Values", "Percent"], inline="Levels")
labelsPosition          = input.string(title="Labels Position", defval="Left", options=["Left", "Right"])
backgroundTransparency  ="Background Transparency", defval=85, minval=0, maxval=100)

// Check extending parameter
var extending = extend.none
if extendLeft and extendRight
    extending := extend.both
if extendLeft and not extendRight
    extending := extend.left
if not extendLeft and extendRight
    extending := extend.right

// Calculate deviation threshold for identifying major swings
dev_threshold = ta.atr(10) / close * 100 * threshold_multiplier

// Prepare pivot variables
var line lineLast = na
var int iLast = 0
var int iPrev = 0
var float pLast = 0
var isHighLast = false // Otherwise the last pivot is a low pivot

// Custom function for detecting pivot points
pivots(src, length, isHigh) =>
    l2 = length * 2
    c = nz(src[length])
    ok = true
    for i = 0 to l2
        if isHigh and src[i] > c
            ok := false
        if not isHigh and src[i] < c
            ok := false
    if ok
        [bar_index[length], c]
        [int(na), float(na)]

// Get bar index & price high/low for current pivots
[iH, pH] = pivots(high, depth / 2, true)
[iL, pL] = pivots(low, depth / 2, false)

// Custom function for calculating price deviation
calc_dev(base_price, price) => 100 * (price - base_price) / price

// Custom function for detecting pivots that meet our deviation criteria
pivotFound(dev, isHigh, index, price) =>
    if isHighLast == isHigh and not na(lineLast)
        // New pivot in same direction as last, so update line (ie. trend-continuation)
        if isHighLast ? price > pLast : price < pLast
            line.set_xy2(lineLast, index, price)
            [lineLast, isHighLast]
            [line(na), bool(na)] // No valid pivot detected, return nothing
    else // Reverse the trend/pivot direction (or create the very first line if lineLast is na)
        if math.abs(dev) > dev_threshold
            // Price move is significant - create a new line between the pivot points
            id =, pLast, index, price, color=color.gray, width=1, style=line.style_dashed)
            [id, isHigh]
            [line(na), bool(na)]

// If bar index for current pivot high is not NA (ie. we have a new pivot):
if not na(iH)
    dev = calc_dev(pLast, pH) // Calculate the deviation from last pivot
    [id, isHigh] = pivotFound(dev, true, iH, pH)
    if not na(id) // If the line has been updated, update price values and delete previous line
        if id != lineLast and deleteLastLine
        lineLast := id
        isHighLast := isHigh
        iPrev := iLast
        iLast := iH
        pLast := pH
    if not na(iL) // If bar index for current pivot low is not NA (ie. we have a new pivot):
        dev = calc_dev(pLast, pL) // Calculate the deviation from last pivot
        [id, isHigh] = pivotFound(dev, false, iL, pL)
        if not na(id) // If the line has been updated, update price values and delete previous line
            if id != lineLast and deleteLastLine
            lineLast := id
            isHighLast := isHigh
            iPrev := iLast
            iLast := iL
            pLast := pL

// Draw fibonacci level as a line and return the line object ID
draw_fib_line(price, col) =>
    var id =, price, bar_index, price, color=col, width=1, extend=extending)
    if not na(lineLast)
        line.set_xy1(id, line.get_x1(lineLast), price)
        line.set_xy2(id, line.get_x2(lineLast), price)  

// Draw fibonacci labels
draw_label(price, txt, txtColor) =>
    x = labelsPosition == "Left" ? line.get_x1(lineLast) : not extendRight ? line.get_x2(lineLast) : bar_index
    labelStyle = labelsPosition == "Left" ? label.style_label_right : label.style_label_left
    align = labelsPosition == "Left" ? text.align_right : text.align_left
    labelsAlignStrLeft = txt + '\n                                                                      \n'
    labelsAlignStrRight = '       ' + txt + '\n                                                                      \n'
    labelsAlignStr = labelsPosition == "Left" ? labelsAlignStrLeft : labelsAlignStrRight
    var id =, y=price, text=labelsAlignStr, textcolor=txtColor, style=labelStyle, textalign=align, color=#00000000)
    label.set_xy(id, x, price)
    label.set_text(id, labelsAlignStr)
    label.set_textcolor(id, txtColor)

// Format the given string
format(txt) => " (" + str.tostring(txt, "#.####") + ")"

// Return the formatted label text for Fibonacci levels
label_txt(level, price) =>
    l = levelsFormat == "Values" ? str.tostring(level) : str.tostring(level * 100) + "%"
    (levels ? l : "") + (prices ? format(price) : "")

// Returns true if price is crossing the given fib level
crossing_level(price, fib) => (fib > price and fib < price[1]) or (fib < price and fib > price[1])

// Get starting and ending high/low price of the current pivot (for calculating fib levels)
startPrice = reverse ? line.get_y1(lineLast) : pLast
endPrice = reverse ? pLast : line.get_y1(lineLast)

// Calculate price difference between high and low
iHL = startPrice > endPrice
diff = (iHL ? -1 : 1) * math.abs(startPrice - endPrice)

// Process the given fib level (calculate fib, draw line & label, detect alerts, fill bgcolor between last fib)
processLevel(show, value, colorL, lineIdOther) =>
    if show
	    fibPrice = startPrice + diff * value
		lineId = draw_fib_line(fibPrice, colorL)
        draw_label(fibPrice, label_txt(value, fibPrice), colorL)
        if crossing_level(close, fibPrice) // Trigger alert if price is crossing this fib level
            alert("Autofib: " + syminfo.ticker + " crossing level " + str.tostring(value))
        if not na(lineIdOther) // Fill background color between each fib level
  , lineIdOther,, backgroundTransparency))

var g_fibs = "Fibonacci Levels"
// Get Fibonacci level user inputs
show_0 = input(true, "", inline = "Level0", group=g_fibs)
value_0 = input(0, "", inline = "Level0", group=g_fibs)
color_0 = input(#787b86, "", inline = "Level0", group=g_fibs)
show_0_236 = input(true, "", inline = "Level0", group=g_fibs)
value_0_236 = input(0.236, "", inline = "Level0", group=g_fibs)
color_0_236 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level0", group=g_fibs)
show_0_382 = input(true, "", inline = "Level1", group=g_fibs)
value_0_382 = input(0.382, "", inline = "Level1", group=g_fibs)
color_0_382 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level1", group=g_fibs)
show_0_5 = input(true, "", inline = "Level1", group=g_fibs)
value_0_5 = input(0.5, "", inline = "Level1", group=g_fibs)
color_0_5 = input(#4caf50, "", inline = "Level1", group=g_fibs)
show_0_618 = input(true, "", inline = "Level2", group=g_fibs)
value_0_618 = input(0.618, "", inline = "Level2", group=g_fibs)
color_0_618 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level2", group=g_fibs)
show_0_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level2", group=g_fibs)
value_0_65 = input(0.65, "", inline = "Level2", group=g_fibs)
color_0_65 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level2", group=g_fibs)
show_0_786 = input(true, "", inline = "Level3", group=g_fibs)
value_0_786 = input(0.786, "", inline = "Level3", group=g_fibs)
color_0_786 = input(#64b5f6, "", inline = "Level3", group=g_fibs)
show_1 = input(true, "", inline = "Level3", group=g_fibs)
value_1 = input(1, "", inline = "Level3", group=g_fibs)
color_1 = input(#787b86, "", inline = "Level3", group=g_fibs)
show_1_272 = input(false, "", inline = "Level4", group=g_fibs)
value_1_272 = input(1.272, "", inline = "Level4", group=g_fibs)
color_1_272 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level4", group=g_fibs)
show_1_414 = input(false, "", inline = "Level4", group=g_fibs)
value_1_414 = input(1.414, "", inline = "Level4", group=g_fibs)
color_1_414 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level4", group=g_fibs)
show_1_618 = input(false, "", inline = "Level5", group=g_fibs)
value_1_618 = input(1.618, "", inline = "Level5", group=g_fibs)
color_1_618 = input(#2196f3, "", inline = "Level5", group=g_fibs)
show_1_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level5", group=g_fibs)
value_1_65 = input(1.65, "", inline = "Level5", group=g_fibs)
color_1_65 = input(#2196f3, "", inline = "Level5", group=g_fibs)
show_2_618 = input(false, "", inline = "Level6", group=g_fibs)
value_2_618 = input(2.618, "", inline = "Level6", group=g_fibs)
color_2_618 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level6", group=g_fibs)
show_2_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level6", group=g_fibs)
value_2_65 = input(2.65, "", inline = "Level6", group=g_fibs)
color_2_65 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level6", group=g_fibs)
show_3_618 = input(false, "", inline = "Level7", group=g_fibs)
value_3_618 = input(3.618, "", inline = "Level7", group=g_fibs)
color_3_618 = input(#9c27b0, "", inline = "Level7", group=g_fibs)
show_3_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level7", group=g_fibs)
value_3_65 = input(3.65, "", inline = "Level7", group=g_fibs)
color_3_65 = input(#9c27b0, "", inline = "Level7", group=g_fibs)
show_4_236 = input(false, "", inline = "Level8", group=g_fibs)
value_4_236 = input(4.236, "", inline = "Level8", group=g_fibs)
color_4_236 = input(#e91e63, "", inline = "Level8", group=g_fibs)
show_4_618 = input(false, "", inline = "Level8", group=g_fibs)
value_4_618 = input(4.618, "", inline = "Level8", group=g_fibs)
color_4_618 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level8", group=g_fibs)
show_neg_0_236 = input(false, "", inline = "Level9", group=g_fibs)
value_neg_0_236 = input(-0.236, "", inline = "Level9", group=g_fibs)
color_neg_0_236 = input(#f44336, "", inline = "Level9", group=g_fibs)
show_neg_0_382 = input(false, "", inline = "Level9", group=g_fibs)
value_neg_0_382 = input(-0.382, "", inline = "Level9", group=g_fibs)
color_neg_0_382 = input(#81c784, "", inline = "Level9", group=g_fibs)
show_neg_0_618 = input(false, "", inline = "Level10", group=g_fibs)
value_neg_0_618 = input(-0.618, "", inline = "Level10", group=g_fibs)
color_neg_0_618 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level10", group=g_fibs)
show_neg_0_65 = input(false, "", inline = "Level10", group=g_fibs)
value_neg_0_65 = input(-0.65, "", inline = "Level10", group=g_fibs)
color_neg_0_65 = input(#009688, "", inline = "Level10", group=g_fibs)
// Process each fibonacci level
lineId0  = processLevel(show_neg_0_65, value_neg_0_65, color_neg_0_65, line(na))
lineId1  = processLevel(show_neg_0_618, value_neg_0_618, color_neg_0_618, lineId0)
lineId2  = processLevel(show_neg_0_382, value_neg_0_382, color_neg_0_382, lineId1)
lineId3  = processLevel(show_neg_0_236, value_neg_0_236, color_neg_0_236, lineId2)
lineId4  = processLevel(show_0, value_0, color_0, lineId3)
lineId5  = processLevel(show_0_236, value_0_236, color_0_236, lineId4)
lineId6  = processLevel(show_0_382, value_0_382, color_0_382, lineId5)
lineId7  = processLevel(show_0_5, value_0_5, color_0_5, lineId6)
lineId8  = processLevel(show_0_618, value_0_618, color_0_618, lineId7)
lineId9  = processLevel(show_0_65, value_0_65, color_0_65, lineId8)
lineId10 = processLevel(show_0_786, value_0_786, color_0_786, lineId9)
lineId11 = processLevel(show_1, value_1, color_1, lineId10)
lineId12 = processLevel(show_1_272, value_1_272, color_1_272, lineId11)
lineId13 = processLevel(show_1_414, value_1_414, color_1_414, lineId12)
lineId14 = processLevel(show_1_618, value_1_618, color_1_618, lineId13)
lineId15 = processLevel(show_1_65, value_1_65, color_1_65, lineId14)
lineId16 = processLevel(show_2_618, value_2_618, color_2_618, lineId15)
lineId17 = processLevel(show_2_65, value_2_65, color_2_65, lineId16)
lineId18 = processLevel(show_3_618, value_3_618, color_3_618, lineId17)
lineId19 = processLevel(show_3_65, value_3_65, color_3_65, lineId18)
lineId20 = processLevel(show_4_236, value_4_236, color_4_236, lineId19)
lineId21 = processLevel(show_4_618, value_4_618, color_4_618, lineId20)