How to Detect Pullbacks in Pine

This lesson demonstrates how to detect high-quality trend-continuation pullbacks in price action using Pine Script code.

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Source Code

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ZenAndTheArtOfTrading /
// @version=5
indicator(title="|", overlay=true)

// Import ZenLibrary as zen 
import ZenAndTheArtOfTrading/ZenLibrary/7 as zen

// Get user input
EMA_LENGTH          ="EMA Length", defval=50, minval=1, tooltip="Exponential moving average period")
STOP_SIZE_INPUT     = input.float(title="Stop Distance (xATR)", defval=1.0, minval=0.0, tooltip="Stop loss distance from highs/lows as an ATR multiplier")
RISK_REWARD         = input.float(title="Risk:Reward", defval=1.0, minval=0.1, tooltip="Risk:Reward profile")
SIGNAL_TYPE         = input.string(title="Enable Signals", defval="Both", options=["Both", "Long", "Short"], tooltip="Enable/disable long/short signals")

// Check what signals are enabled 
var bool TAKE_LONGS      = SIGNAL_TYPE == "Both" or SIGNAL_TYPE == "Long"
var bool TAKE_SHORTS     = SIGNAL_TYPE == "Both" or SIGNAL_TYPE == "Short"

// Get EMA & ATR & Stop Size
ema                 = ta.ema(close, EMA_LENGTH)
currentATR          = ta.atr(14)
stopSize            = currentATR * STOP_SIZE_INPUT

// Get SL and Target prices
tradeStopPrice      = 0.0
tradeTargetPrice    = 0.0
longStopDistance    = close - ta.lowest(low, 5) + stopSize
shortStopDistance   = ta.highest(high, 5) - close + stopSize

// rule1 = Engulfing candle above/below EMA
// rule2 = Current swing high/low 
// rule3 = Ensure engulfing candle is not massive

// Validate long signals
rule1L = close > ema and zen.barsBelowMA(3, ema) <= 1 and zen.isBullishEC()
rule2L = low == ta.lowest(low, 7) or low[1] == ta.lowest(low, 7)
rule3L = close < ta.highest(open, 5) and < (currentATR * 2)
validLong = TAKE_LONGS and rule1L and rule2L and rule3L

// Validate short signals
rule1S = close < ema and zen.barsAboveMA(3, ema) <= 1 and zen.isBearishEC()
rule2S = high == ta.highest(high, 7) or high[1] == ta.highest(high, 7)
rule3S = close > ta.lowest(open, 5) and < (currentATR * 2)
validShort = TAKE_SHORTS and rule1S and rule2S and rule3S

// Store long signal stop loss & target for drawing
if validLong
    tradeStopPrice      := close - longStopDistance
    tradeTargetPrice    := close + longStopDistance * RISK_REWARD

// Store short signal stop loss & target for drawing
if validShort
    tradeStopPrice      := close + shortStopDistance
    tradeTargetPrice    := close - shortStopDistance * RISK_REWARD

// Draw EMA
plot(ema, title="EMA",, linewidth=1)

// Draw signals
plotshape(validLong, title="Bullish Engulfing", location=location.belowbar,, style=shape.triangleup)
plotshape(validShort, title="Bearish Engulfing",, style=shape.triangledown)

// Draw stops & targets over 2 bars so the lines are more visible
plot(validLong or validLong[1] ? validLong ? tradeStopPrice : tradeStopPrice[1] : na, title="Long Stop Price",, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(validShort or validShort[1] ? validShort ? tradeStopPrice : tradeStopPrice[1] : na, title="Short Stop Price",, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(validLong or validLong[1] ? validLong ? tradeTargetPrice : tradeTargetPrice[1] : na, title="Long Target Price",, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(validShort or validShort[1] ? validShort ? tradeTargetPrice : tradeTargetPrice[1] : na, title="Short Target Price",, style=plot.style_linebr)

// Send out an alert if this candle meets our conditions
alertcondition(validLong or validShort, title="API Alert!", message="Pullback signal for {{ticker}}")